Witchcraft, Sorcery, Magic, and Other Psychological Phenomenon and their implications on military and Paramilitary Operations in the Congo, 1965

This report has been prepared in response to a query posed by ODCS/OPS,
Department of the Army, regarding the purposed use of witchcraft, sorcery, and magic by insurgent elements in the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville). Magical practices are said to be effective in conditioning dissident elements and their followers to do battle with Government troops. Rebel tribesmen seen to have been persuaded that they can made magically impervious to Congolese army fire power.
Their fear of Government forces has thus been diminished and, conversely. fear of the rebels has grown within army ranks.
The problem, therefore, which CINPAC was asked to explore is the role of
supernatural or superstitious concepts in a counterinsurgency campaign in
the Congo.
