There is no longer a dilemma that the terrorist attack on September 24 originated in Serbia. Kosovo Police have presented a lots of evidences of this, but an international investigation is required to hold Serbia accountable. One of the terrorist group’s organizer Milan Radojcic, the vice-chairman of the Lista Srpska political party, has already been accepted the participation and organization of the attack. Radojcic is one of the closest people to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, that’s why is very unlikely that Radojcic will take any action regarding Kosovo without coordination with Vucic and the head of the Serbian BIA Aleksandar Vulin. Vucic’s attempts to cover up the Serbian state’s involvement in the terrorist attack on the Kosovo police are failing.
A few days ago, the Kosovo Police showed a lot of evidence, including videos from the drones confiscated after the terrorist attack, which make the Serbian state, headed by Vucic, responsible for the September 24 attack. In the videos shown, it can be seen how the terrorist group had carried out exercises to annex the north of Mitrovica, in one of the largest training grounds of the Serbian army “Pasuljanske-Livade”. The issue is how terrorists managed to use the Serbian state army’s training facility without the knowledge of the “bosses.” These videos shows, how terrorists during the training used also American Humvees that the United States donated to the Serbian army. How is Vucic going to answer to this?

Through an interview for CNN, Vucic said that the Belgrade prosecutor’s office will deal with Radojcic! The next day the news came out that Radojcic was arrested by the Serbian police. Radojcic was arrested only because of international pressure on Vucic. Radojcic was released only after two hours, but he was banned from going to Kosovo. This shows once again how criminalized the Serbian state is.
What the prosecutor’s office in Belgrade charges who was accused for the production, possession and illegal trafficking of weapons and explosives, while the murder of the Kosovo police sergeant is considered accidental, i.e. falling into a mine. International diplomacy characterized the Banjska attack as terrorist pointing the finger at Vucic. Meanwhile, the Constitution of Serbia prohibits the extradition of the accused to third countries (except for war crimes tribunals). The possibility of Radojcic’s extradition and trial in Kosovo seems to be fading, as does the possibility that he will be tried in Belgrade for the crimes he committed in the attack of Banjska, is almost zero.
The Serbian state and Vucic himself, being an inheritor of the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, glorifies the war criminals every day by praising them for the crimes committed in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More on this story: Serbia’s European agenda while decorating war criminals
Therefore, no punishment is expected from Vucic, for people who organizes terrorist attacks on the neighboring countries. The daily murals all over Serbia and North of Mitrovica “kad ce vojska na Kosovo vrati” or “when the Serbian military comes back to Kosovo” a song that glorifies crimes committed in Kosovo by the Serbian army, shows that Vucic predicted the actions that will take place in the North. This is a copy of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in 2014 the annexation of Donbas and Crimea.

More on this story: Moscow fuels the Serbia-Kosovo border tensions
Meanwhile, the head of Serbian BIA Vulin is under alert himself, because he was put on the US blacklist and if Vucic had a pro-European agenda, the sanction would have to result in the dismissal of Vulin. With the terrorist action in the North of Kosovo, Vucic showed once again that he is not interested in the European agenda. He remains the biggest supporter of Putin in the Balkans, by clearly copying him on his actions, creating a group of paramilitary terrorist fighters, who would initially exclude the use of regular military force in Kosovo.

More on this story: The US sanctioning of Vulin sparks demand for new political leadership in Serbia
Vucic has created a copy of Prigozhin (Radojcic) with a group of paramilitaries who are equipped and trained together with the Serbian army. While the regular army is stationed in 48 bases along the border with Kosovo, Vucic will not need to use the regular army in relation to Kosovo, as long as he has at his disposal the paramilitary terrorist groups financed by Serbian state and trained by the Serbian army. Recently, Vucic was asked by the USA to withdraw the army from Kosovo border line, but he did not respond to the request. Serbian military convoys continues to move from one point to another while Vucic presents the movement as a withdrawal. Serbian army remains in the borderline with Kosovo on 48 bases, there in the same numbers and positions. Vucic has a lot to say, but he chooses the protection of terrorists.