Budapest is going to do its best to help China reduce US influence in Europe.
At present time China is actively building factories to manufacture electric vehicles in Hungary. In such a way, Viktor Orban wants to reduce dependence on Germany and start lobbying pro-Chinese interests in Europe. With the help of China Budapest intends to compete with Berlin in the automotive industry, including the German market. Budapest shares no values of the EU, that is why it is ready to work with Beijing and Moscow and focus on redirecting the financial resources of EU member countries to its market.
Due to Russia’s war against Ukraine, China’s economy exceeds the EU economy by 19%. The European Union is experiencing a systemic crisis with deindustrialization and a sharp drop in real incomes of the population. Obviously, Russia and China benefit from the war in Ukraine to increase their influence in Europe and reduce the influence of Washington. There is a possibility that such a policy has been agreed upon between Moscow and Beijing. The Kremlin is working intensively to weaken the European economy and deepen the economic crisis by using its ‘friendly’ regimes, particularly Budapest.As for Beijing, it hopes, that taking into consideration centrifugal processes with the growing popularity of Eurosceptics, it will gradually replace American interests with Chinese ones. Hungary is interested in achieving redistribution of financial flows in its favor and reduce the influence of Paris and Berlin in Brussels. Such an intention coincides with the interests of Russia. Moscow expects trade wars intensification in case of Donald Trump’s victory at the presidential election scheduled for this fall, which ultimately will disintegrate the European Union. In its turn the policy of Russian satellites in Europe will contribute into collapse of the EU decision-making system. We are convinced that in satellite regimes’ consensus decisions the Kremlin encourages to use the “golden card” with the final goal as rocking the EU’s common policy out balance.

More on this story: China Fights for Central and Eastern Europe Expansion