A New Typology for State-sponsored International Terrorism,2011

A New Typology for State-sponsored International Terrorism,2011

lansinginstitute.org wants to draw your attention to the interesting paper: “A New Typology for State-sponsored International Terrorism”, by Jeremy R. Reeves from Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, published in  December, 2011

This paper argues a more effective response to state-sponsored terrorism can be found through a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. To this end, a new typology for state-sponsored terrorism is presented, offering policymakers a nuanced approach to dealing with offending states. The primary benefit of such an approach is the inherent flexibility to tailor U.S. response to the precise relationship between the terrorist organization and its state sponsor. States currently on the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism and states that should be are examined, detailing the shortcomings of current U.S. policy and the advantages of the proposed typology.