Vucic points the finger at the Prime Minister of Kosovo for the fact that an organized group, armed and supported by the Serbian state in all forms, entered the territory of Kosovo and attacked the Kosovo Police.

After the terrorist attack on the Kosovo Police on September 24 in the village of Banjske in the Municipality of Zveçani, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic apologized to the Serbian people for not having control over the territory of Kosovo. This allowed to understand that everything was being done to give the Serbian state complete control over the northern part of Kosovo. Furthermore, he claimed that “some Kosovo Serbs” rebelled by erecting barricades and then inciting the Kosovo police to react. The footage disproves this claim, yet he still chose to place the blame on Kosovo Serbs. Vucic claimed to be witness of Serbian residents of Kosovo protests, and the fact that the majority of them were forced by Belgrade and Lista Srbska into taking part in violent demonstrations in the area north of Mitrovica. For instance, health workers have received threats that they will lose their jobs if they don’t demonstrate. Serbian police officers have also been used as pawns by Belgrade and were forced to resign by the Kosovo Police in September of last year. To serbs who have not obeyed the orders the protests organizers, their cars and private properties were burned. On the other hand, we have seen the organization of the terrorist attack, which was a well-planned organization, funded and supported in every way by the Serbian state. There is ample proof for this, starting with the way it was organized/planned and the weapons and documents that were discovered during the action of the Kosovo police, which appear to be belonging to a paramilitary group. The value of confiscated weapons and equipment is almost five million euros.
According to Vucic, the only one to blame for what is happening in the north, “is Albin Kurti”. The prime minister of Kosovo can’t be guilty of a terrorist attack organized by the Serbian state within the borders of Kosovo. As a former minister of Milosevic’s dark era, Vucic’s strongest defense during his speeches is lying, and surprisingly, the international community often trusts him, but this time the facts speak differently. And it should be considered that the terrorist group had the situation out of control, because their goal when they entered Kosovo was much more expansive than simply killing a police officer.
Vucic also added that he had warned many times he had meetings in Brussels, that this situation could happen. It is typical of Vucic’s style, he warns the situations that will happen and then comes out in the role of predictor playing the victim. He announced a day of mourning in Serbia including north Mitrovica, for the terrorists killed on September 24 in Kosovo, which means that he stands in line with the terrorists and has territorial claims against Kosovo. Meanwhile, Serbia hides data on how many people were killed, how many were injured, who is behind the attack, how many members of the Serbian security services were part of it. One of terrorists killed in this action turns out to be Bojan Mijailivoc the bodyguard of the head of the Serbian BIA, Aleksandar Vulin.

More on this story: Tensions in Northern Kosovo – NATO Intervention is needed
It was repulsive how Vucic saw the terrorists of September 24 and how he compared Milan Radojcic, the terrorist formation’s leader, to Adem Jasharia a Kosovo hero. While the terrorist organization led by Radojcic had territorial claims to another state and there were plans for the division of Kosovo using Serbian Orthodox Churches, Adem Jashari was killed by Serbian paramilitary operation on his yard of his own home while defending his family from the Serbian army’s aggression. The war of Adem Jashari had no religious overtones.

More on this story: Why is Serbian Orthodox Church following Milosevic’s agenda in Kosovo?
The authorities of Kosovo have so far presented a lot of evidence that makes the Serbian state responsible for the organization of the terrorist attack, among them a document proving that the Serbian army provided the terrorist group with the grenade launcher, which was then taken by the Kosovo Police in the action of September 24. This attack had the potential to turn into a tragedy for Kosovo, but the fact that the Kosovo Police had never shot inside the monastery, even though the terrorists were sheltered there with all that weaponry, had kept the situation under control.
The terrorists chose the Monastery specifically because they knew that if the police opened fire inside the building, the situation would swing in Serbia’s favor because it would be seen as an attack on religious objects. The protection of the monks from the terrorists—whose threats they appear to have faced at one time in several photographs—was the Kosovo Police’s finest achievement. The fact that no civilians were hurt during the counterterrorism operation demonstrates the Kosovo police’s excellent level of professionalism and preparation.On the other hand, Vucic has been harsh with the internationals too, describing them as two-faced people, adding that he will never recognize the independence of Kosovo. Here it is hinted that he is not willing to dialogue on the issue of Kosovo from now on. He ended his speech by saying that all this did not ends here and in the following days we will make a decision regarding the 24th event. This was the speech’s most overt threat against Kosovo. Given the political background of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, all of this that occurred on September 24 in the northern part of Kosovo is not entirely unexpected. The case of September 24 needs to be quickly addressed by the US and the EU since it will alter the terms of the discussions between Kosovo and Serbia. Under normal conditions, it would have to cause a political upheaval in Belgrade, i.e. the removal of Vucic from power, as there will be no peaceful Balkans without the removal from power of Serbian politicians who belong to the dark era of Milosevic, and their idol is the criminal Vojiclav Seselj.

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