North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has appointed Kim Tok Hun a new Prime-minister of the North Korean cabinet instead of Kim Jae Ryong, who had been relieved from his…
August 4th is the day of what is called the Lebanese ground zero. The explosions were caused by the presence of 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate. The official thesis so…
Bulgaria was always seen as a corner of European Union. For political reasons, economic but also because it never fully transitioned to EU. Latest protests and implications of its leadership…
The upcoming election in Belarus will not bring about the democratic governance for this country. The reason for that is the absence of independent opposition leaders. Most of potential opposition…
On the 10th of July, the Turkish State Council gave the go-ahead for the transformation of the museum of the Great Hagia Sophia in Istanbul into a mosque accessible only…
Tension in Zanu-PF politburo flags President Mnangagwa's tattered position. Everything speaks for the fact that he might not further stay in power unless he’s backed by the repressive arm of…
We recommend reading the CIA research paper “The Pushtuns of the Afghan-Pakistani borderlands”, which provides an insight into the inter-tribal relations in the Pakistan-Afghan border region. It describes the evolution…
This is must-read sanitized intelligence analysis by CIA that was written in November, 1987 about tribalism in the Qadhafi regime. We think that this paper is very important to understand…
On June 17, the first tranche of the largest US sanctions applied so far to Syria entered into force. United States President Donald Trump signed the "Caesar Syria Civilian Protection…
The Kremlin has turned the trick at the constitutional referendum, allowing Putin to extend his rule until 2036. The outcome contests the transparency and fairness of the vote. Preparation and…